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Voice Assistant App

jiggy9's github profile

It is a flutter voice assistant application where you can ask for any answer and it'll help through voice and text.


sumitkr2000's github profile

This is a business website where users with the help of lots of unique blocks, can easily build a page without coding and quickly.

Razorpay Clone

Jranii's github profile

It is a cloned frontend design of original Razorpay payment gateway.

Netflix Clone (firebase)

PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Frontend project, with TMDB api used to fetch the movies


sshiwangi's github profile

reactjs Quiz is a user-friendly WebApp that presents a set of four answer choices for each question. By selecting the appropriate option, users can swiftly evaluate their performance and receive a calculated score based on the number of correct answers.

To-do list

abrehan2's github profile

The project is a to-do list that lists your submitted tasks and allows you to delete them once the tasks are completed

Souryax Streaming App

debsouryadatta's github profile

Interface of a movie streaming app and also search for an option for your favourite movies.

Weather App

coderhersh's github profile

Weather web app made with reactjs JS and tailwindcss which fetches API from OpenWeatherMap based on the location entered in the search box.


sumitkr2000's github profile

This project is based on EditorJS. A user can edit text on the go and save it in the database. The user gets a wide variety of options to edit and save documents.

Weather Website

YashkShrivas4491's github profile

This project is about building a web application to show a weather forecast using weather API from external services Open weather map